Blog themes include business, managing projects, communicating with teams, working remotely, and increasing efficiency.

Arafeina.Com Blog Guidelines

We are thrilled that you would like to contribute to our blog. Make sure you have a firm grasp of our guiding concepts before you begin studying and writing.

Articles are required to be unique since we do not repost previously published material.

  • If we find that your comment has been posted elsewhere, we have the right to remove it from the blog. We are concerned that there is not enough redundancy on the internet.
  • An excellently composed composition (grammatically and stylistically)
  • The content you give to our readers needs to be of use to them; we can’t afford to squander their time. Our most recent postings do not recycle previous topics.
  • The topics of project management, teamwork, working remotely, productivity, marketing, business, workplace culture, and design should all be included in your post.
  • Additional credit is awarded for papers that include case studies, success stories, and statistical support.
  • Articles that address the apparent truth or rhetorical questions such as “Why computers are better at processing information than people” or “Does a marketing business require a website?” are not accepted by our publication.
  • If you write for the blog, you’ll have the opportunity to assist thousands of working professionals with their professional concerns. Keep your attention fixed on legitimate issues and solutions, and members of our community will admire and respect you.
  • Maintain a positive attitude, steer clear of topics that are demeaning or that make harsh comments about other competitors, and avoid being overly promotional.

Keeping to these principles will assist us in keeping our website relevant and user-friendly for our audience.

Instructions For Submitting Your Work

These article rules help to maintain the consistency of our blog while saving writers time.

  • Articles ought to be no longer than one thousand words.
  • It is recommended that titles not go beyond 55 characters.
  • The content should not be any more than three hundred words, and it should be broken up into paragraphs with subheadings. Shorten your words and steer clear of the passive voice.
  • Write for your audience, not for search engines. Stay away from overusing keywords and concentrate on presenting content that is useful instead.
  • Each article should not contain more than 5 connections to external websites. If you want us to link to your website or the website of your business partner, we can promise you one follow backlink and one nofollow backlink, with the possibility that one of the backlinks will include the term that is the most relevant to the connected URL. We have the right to remove any links that we feel lower the credibility of our site, do not contribute anything of value to our readers, or are irrelevant.

Search These Terms:

business technology write for us

business write for us guest post

“write for us” business technology

technology business write for us

technology, business write for us

small business “write for us”

small business blog write for us

write for us + business

write for us business

write for us business blog

write for us business blogs

business blog write for us

business blogs write for us

business write for us

business write for us guest post

“business “”write for us”””

“business + “”write for us”””

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