How Tax Deduction Is Beneficial And Its Popular Breaks In 2021

As a taxpayer, you should know about what is tax deduction. The tax deduction is an expense that can be taken away from taxable income to reduce the amount owed. Note, do not get confused with what is tax credit.  As it minimizes the amount you pay in taxes by letting you deduct an amount of money directly from your bill.

How to claim a tax deduction?

You can claim a tax deduction either by standard tax deduction or by itemized tax deduction

  • Standard tax deduction: it Is a dollar amount that can be cut off from the income before the tax is applied. Here is The standard tax deduction for 2020 and 2021


              Filling status         2020 the tax year       2021 tax year
       Single               $12,400           $12,550

Filing jointly

              $25,800           $25,100

Filing separately

              $12,400           $12,550
       Head of household               $18,650           $18,800


It is higher than $1300 for those who are over the age of 65. It is also $1,650 higher for people who are unmarried and not a surviving spouse.


  • Itemized deductions: These are expenses to reduce your taxable income on the federal tax return. Itemized taxpayers used to subtract their total expenses from their adjd gross income to reach their taxable income.

Should you itemize or take the standard deduction?

To choose between itemized and standard deduction you need to know about the filing status and a rough assumption of your income and itemized deduction you want to claim. If your standard deduction amount is more than the itemized amount to be deducted then you need to choose the standard deduction and vice-versa.

Here are a tax deductions guide and 20 popular breaks in 2021

  • Charitable Donations: Under the CARES Act you may deduct up to $300 of qualified charitable contributions in computing your 2021 AGI.
  • Medical/Dental Expenses: Here deduction is limited to that which exceeds 7.5% of AGI
  • Health Saving Account Contribution: deductible up to $3,550 for individuals and $7,000 for families.
  • Child Tax Credit: It can be up to $3,600 per child
  • Child And Dependent Care Tax Credit: It is up to $8,000 of expenses for one dependent or $16000 for two or more dependent.
  • Adoption Credit: It is up to $14,440.
  • Student Loan Interest Tax Deduction: Students may deduct up to $2,500 in student loan interest.
  • Expenses Of Educators: It can deduct up to $250 spent on classroom supplies.
  • Home Office Deduction: You can deduct only when you use your house for business-related activities.
  • Earned Income Tax: It ranges from $543 to $6,728.
  • Life Time Learning Credit: It can be up to 20% of the first $10,000 used for tuition and fees. It can be a maximum of up to $20,00.
  • Gambling Loss Deduction: It can be deducted only up to the amount of your winning.
  • Mortgage Interest Deduction: It deducts the amount of interest you pay to purchase or to build your residence.
  • IRA Contribution Deduction: Combined annual contribution cutoff for traditional and Roth IRAs is $7,000 and $6,000 for age 50 or old.
  • 401(K) Contribution Deduction: You can deduct up to $19,500 per year into a retirement account and $26,000 if you are of age 50 or more.
  • Saver’s Credit: It worth up to $1000 for mid-income taxpayers who contribute to a retirement account.
  • Deduction for State and Local Taxes: It can deduct up to $10,000 for both property and sales tax combinedly.
  • American Opportunity Tax Credit: The maximum tax credit that can be claimed is $2,500
  • Residential Energy Credit: It can be up to 26% of the cost paid for solar energy systems.
  • Self-employed Expenses Deduction: There is a range of expenses that can be deducted for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

For such tax guidance, Savvy and suit is an accounting service company that will help you to get the knowledge of different deductions and their implementation with proper access to the annual deductions knowledge and make you learned about how to minimize tax liability and optimize work-related expenses.


Income Tax deduction helps you to reduce your taxable income and save tax which you can later invest in different areas.